Printer Configuration Form Printer Type Epson LX-800 (Displayed just prior to printing) Enter into the fields below (in HEXADECIMAL) the special code sequences required to invoke and cancel the specified printer modes. Some printer modes have been predefined. Others are to be used any way you want. Alt Printer Mode Description Mnemonic Invoke Code Cancel Code Alt-A bB BOLDFACE 1B 45 1B 46 EC COMPRESSED 1B 0F HD AUTO DATE ENTRY no printer code DE ELITE Elite 1B 4D 1B 50 EF AUTO FORM NUMBER ENTRY Form# no printer code Alt-G bH SUPERSCRIPT SupSc 1B 53 00 1B 54 EI ITALICS Italc 1B 34 1B 35 Alt-J Alt-K bL SUBSCRIPT SupSc 1B 53 01 1B 54 Alt-M Alt-N bO OVERSTRIKE (NO LINE FEED) OverS no printer code DP PICA 1B 50 Alt-Q Alt-R Alt-S bT AUTO TIME ENTRY no printer code DU UNDERLINE UnLin 1B 2D 01 1B 2D 00 Alt-V Alt-W bX EXPANDED Expnd 1B 57 01 1B 57 00 Alt-Y Alt-Z Initial Startup Sequence mTermination Sequence Fpopmppp p 1pBp 0pFp p p